c@[email protected]
for only the most epic projects[@nd the cringe ones too, i suppose]
my own person@l reserved list (cringe)
imessage stickers 4 furries
so @t some point, i re@lized th@t i just h@d @ccess to @pple's developer progr@m @nd h@ve st@rted cre@ting imess@ge sticker p@cksif you w@nt one, fl@me me vi@ com link...pricing = $15/first 10; then $.50/1 per. @sk @bout > 50
who the fuck is this

god's favourite #mordetwi shipper
b@rely w@lked h@lls / tell stories now / ooh, i'll listen
h@tem@il? s@ucy photos? cool memes? cryptocurrency sc@ms investment opportunities i should be @w@re of? w@nt your own ios/imess@ge stickers of your furson@s (ye@h, i fucking see you)?em@il me.